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Autumn is my favourite time of year.  Surrounded by so much beauty, I always find myself in a more reflective mood, and my connection to nature feels stronger than ever.  The energetic of this season is one of letting go, shedding what is no longer needed and beginning to turn inwards.

I also love Halloween and really look forward to celebrating it with my children (I was never allowed to take part in pagan festivals as a child!).  Alongside the usual trick-or-treating fun with the younger ones, I’ve set time aside for myself in recent years to honour this turn of the wheel. Last year on Halloween I enjoyed a full moon gong bath and cacao ceremony with friends. And this year I did a little bit of home craft and treated myself to a meditation letter.  All of these little activities and rituals are a lovely way to honour the season, as well as our own internal state of being at this time of year.

Home-made pentagram

 Autumnal meditation letter, via nuud

In Chinese medicine, Autumn is associated with the Metal element and the energetic of grief, letting go and a deep sense of profundity.  A few days ago I remembered a post I’d written on my old social media account, not long after I’d opened my practise, in honour of some amazing friends who had given me support and love throughout that year.  This is what I’d written;

Honouring the wise women (and wise men) who have turned up over this past year, as if by magic, during my first year as a healer, my year of chaos and death and re-birth, of initiation in to knowing the unknown. You have helped me and held me, shown me how to sit with my emotions, how to be curious and how to just… be. My teachers, my friends, the kindred spirits, the ones gave me books to read, who taught me to burn sage and to ground my energies and appreciate old trees, the ones who got me drunk and made me laugh and the ones who simply stood beside me without saying a word. I am eternally grateful to you all.

Just like the circumstances of that period of time – just two years ago – it feels strange to imagine that some of those strong bonds, friendships and connections have oscillated out of my reality within such a short space of time.  But here I am now; I’m okay – more than okay – I feel optimistic, grounded and peaceful.  I don’t know what the future holds, I really don’t, and sometimes that makes me feel anxious and apprehensive.  But what I do know is that people and circumstances come and go, just like the seasons.

Some people come along to teach us something new, to propel us through a period of change or inner evolution, or to support us in unexpected ways; we might turn up in their lives to show them something; or perhaps our connection will be fleeting, full of laughter, light-hearted or circumstantial.

And as we move through life and allow different realities to come and go, we can smile and give thanks to all the people we’ve ever encountered, releasing them with ease and a smile if that’s what is needed; we can look around at all of the people in our lives right now, and remember to let them know how much they mean to us; and we can thank the cosmos for all of the people that we’re destined to cross paths with in our future.

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey”

~ John O’Donohue, Anam Cara